I really enjoyed this class. It helped me understand communication in the professional setting more then I ever thought I would. The ePortfolio was not all that challenging. I thought trying to find an idea was tough. There were so many ways you could take your portfolio. There are so many aspects of the work-life balance that I find important and interesting. When I was thinking over the topic I wanted to go with I did so, because I believe that one day it will affect my life. My topic was motherhood in the workplace and how that affects a woman’s career. I wanted to further understand how being a parent and particularly a mother could hinder your options. I also learned through my research that mothers still face a lot in the workplace. They have to fight against stereotype and they have to prove themselves as committed time and time again. Many women struggle with balancing their careers and their families. Many women face the struggle, and yet I haven’t heard a lot about this topic. Another problem I ran into was that when I looked up my topic on google there were many contradicting pieces on working on parenting spanning form “Women can have it all” to “Women Still Can’t have it all”. I felt like looking through posts on magazine sites and newspaper sites did not help my research at all. I had to focus on scholarly articles and journals to help push my research along. When I was reading the blogs and the magazines regarding the issue of parenting and being a working mother, I felt like they were all just opinion pieces that were not good for a research paper. I believe that this ePortfolio has improved my professional presence because it has given me insight to working for an organization. It has given me insight particularly about the struggles that I may face one day as a mother in the workplace. I believe my ePortfolio helped me be prepared for the professional world. I believe I understand the inter working of the languages and the policies organizations use and that will be helpful in the long run. The advice I would give to future students is start planning your project from the beginning. Knowing the options, you have to present the material you find in your research would probably be helpful in narrowing down a topic. I liked the presentation option of creating a pamphlet. If I had known about that I would have tried to pick a topic that would have better suited a pamphlet presentation. I also think finding key articles early on helped me. Reading all of the class articles and finding which ones will help support your topic would also be helpful. I think it would have benefited me to start my annotated biography earlier. I think if I was logging all of the information I was getting from every article as I read them, it would have made putting the research and the presentation together much easier then it was. I think that I could have helped myself out by being more organized.
My favorite assignment for this class was rewording an in-use policy. Looking up popular organizations policies and work-life policies in particular was very beneficial to me. It made me understand that this is a step any body should take if they are looking to by employed by a certain organization. I thought that assignment did a good job of putting what we have read and learned into an activity that proved our understanding of the subject matter at hand.
My idea of work-life communication is much different now to when I started the course. I now understand why the work-life balance is so important. I now understand that people need to be allowed to have other responsibilities and organizations are hurting themselves and their employees when they do not provide good policies to help people thrive in every aspect of their lives. I would recommend seniors to take this course right before graduation. I found it to be a truly beneficial class and I believe that it will help me at any organization I end up at.
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